“The function of the pulpit is not to entertain, to amuse, to satisfy an idle curiosity; it is to instruct, to inspire, to fire the heart and mind, to implant within us noble desires and ambitions, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to beget within them a passion for him.”
- Francis James Grimké
Mike Neglia is the lead pastor at Calvary Cork, having moved to Ireland from Fallbrook, California, in 2003. In addition to pursuing a master’s degree at Western Seminary, Mike serves on the Calvary Global Network Executive Team and hosts the Expositors Collective podcast. Also, follow him on Twitter and Instagram, @mikeneglia
Resources Mentioned:
Jim Wilson on Illustrating Well: https://cgnmedia.org/podcast/expositors-collective/episode/beyond-words-sermon-illustrations-and-the-preacher-who-could-not-speak
Nick Harvey on Toastmasters: https://cgnmedia.org/podcast/expositors-collective/episode/what-am-i-supposed-to-do-with-my-hands-and-other-lessons-that-preachers-can-learn-from-toastmasters-with-nick-harvey
Expositors Collective on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expositorscollective/
Donate to support the work of Expositors Collective, in person training events and a free weekly podcast: https://cgn.churchcenter.com/giving/to/expositors-collective
The Expositors Collective podcast is part of the CGNMedia, Working together to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches. For more content like this, visit https://cgnmedia.org/
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