Sermon Preparation: Step by Step with Brian Brodersen
- Expositors CollectiveOctober 22, 2024x
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Sermon Preparation: Step by Step with Brian Brodersen

Mike Neglia and Brian Brodersen discuss the practical and spiritual aspects of sermon preparation. They kick off this workshop (recorded at the 2024 CGN International Conference) by speaking about the time commitment that is needed to prepare a sermon, and then talk about the following 7 steps: 

  1. Selecting a Passage: For many Calvary Chapel pastors, the text is simply the next chapter, but it's not always that straightforward. Brian shares how he approaches determining the right passage length and selecting the next sermon series, while leaving room for the Spirit's guidance.
  2. Meditating on the Text: How do you go from reading the passage to truly internalizing it? Brian talks about "marinating" in Scripture—letting it sink in, both mentally and spiritually.
  3. Crafting an Outline: A good sermon should lead your congregation on a journey, with each point helping them take a step closer to the main message. Brian emphasizes that the sermon should have a clear focus, guiding listeners from biblical history into personal application.
  4. Using Commentaries: Commentaries can be a great resource, but Brian cautions not to rely on them too quickly. They should act as consultants, not the first stop in preparation.
  5. Preaching the Gospel from Every Passage: Faithful Bible teaching must consistently point to Jesus as the ultimate Hero of the story.
  6. Collaborating with Others: Preaching is a solo endeavour, but it is also a community effort, and Brian and Mike discuss (and disagree!) about the importance of involving other church leaders, creative teams, and even new tools like ChatGPT to refine and communicate sermon ideas effectively.
  7. Prayer in Preparation: One of the most crucial parts of sermon prep is knowing when to stop studying and start praying. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Nick Cady on Outlining "Start with the Destination in Mind" 

John Whittaker on Using Commentaries Well:

Jonathan Pennington on the First Minute of your Sermon:

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