Bringing Light into Darkness
Pursuing Faith with Dominic DoneMay 23, 2024x
00:37:5526.07 MB

Bringing Light into Darkness

In this episode, we explore Jesus' declaration, "I am the light of the world" made during the Feast of Tabernacles, a significant Jewish festival.
Jesus' words challenge the religious leaders and offer a radical vision of spiritual guidance and human flourishing.
We'll dive into the rich symbolism of light in biblical theology, the historical context of Jesus' statement, and its powerful implications for our lives today.
Discover how following Jesus can illuminate our path, dispel darkness, and lead us into a life filled with purpose, hope, and freedom.

christian,christianity,bible,church,pastor,Dominic Done,bible teaching,bible verse,Deconstruction,Faith,Doubt,Christian University,university,college,school,miracle,miracles,Bayside,church,bayside church,Santa Rosa,California,John 8,