163- Life Stages of the Christian Leader (with Dr. Richard Clinton)
Strength for Today's PastorSeptember 24, 2024x
00:58:4740.47 MB

163- Life Stages of the Christian Leader (with Dr. Richard Clinton)

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Dr. Richard Clinton is an expert on Christian leadership. He and his father Dr. J. Robert Clinton have spent more than 40 years researching, analyzing, and instructing on the subject. They've looked at Biblical leaders, at leaders in the history of the church. They've been thorough, to say the least.

What Richard has to say with regard to the life stages of the Christian leader is vital and helpful for Christian leaders fom a vision and preparation standpoint. And also helpful for the older leaders as they move into their sunset years, as well as for younger leaders, to understand where they are in the overall plan of God for them right now.

Listen in, make comments, ask questions. We'll do our best to help.

For Poimen Ministries, its staff, ministries, and focus, go to poimenministries.com. To contact Poimen Ministries, email us at strongerpastors@gmail.com. May the Lord revive His work in the midst of these years!

    Christian leadership,stages of leadership,pastor's life stages,maturing as leaders,