166- The Power of the Gospel in Forgiveness - Matthew 18.21-35 (with Bill Holdridge)
Strength for Today's PastorNovember 18, 2024x
00:54:5037.76 MB

166- The Power of the Gospel in Forgiveness - Matthew 18.21-35 (with Bill Holdridge)

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Podcast 166 is one that I've wanted to do for some time, but needed to wait for the right time.

Now is the right time.

Pastor, do you want to experience the power of the gospel in forgiveness? Do you want this for your fellowship? I know you do.

In this episode of SFTP, discover: 

  • The forgiveness mandate, directly from the Lord's Jesus.
  • The blessing of knowing we're forgiven.
  • The blessings that result from forgiving others.
  • The surprising meaning of the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21-35.
  • The torture that results from refusing to forgive others. 
  • The protocols (how to do it) of forgiveness.
  • Tried and tested resources to go to for help.

Listen in, and then share, share, share.

For Poimen Ministries, its staff, ministries, and focus, go to poimenministries.com. To contact Poimen Ministries, email us at strongerpastors@gmail.com. May the Lord revive His work in the midst of these years!

    being forgiven,forgiveness,the decision of forgiveness,forgiveness protocols,the joy of the Lord,the peace of God,the power of the gospel in forgiveness,Forgiving Forward,forgivingforward.com,Bruce Hebel,Toni Hebel,forgiveness in the Lord's Pra,