CGN's Partnership with Western Seminary: A Discussion with Andrew Pack
The CGN PodcastJuly 17, 2024x
00:35:3132.87 MB

CGN's Partnership with Western Seminary: A Discussion with Andrew Pack

As a Calvary Chapel network, CGN is a family of churches working together to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches. In this episode and the previous one, we are highlighting some of the training resources that we provide in order to help equip people to carry out that mission.

Dr. Andrew Pack is a professor and dean at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. In this discussion, Andrew shares about his journey of church planting, and how that led him to go to seminary. He also answers questions people have asked in regard to studying at Western, and about the benefits (and potential pitfalls) of seminary education.

More information about CGN's partnership with Western Seminary can be found at