What is Expository Preaching and How Do We Do It Well? - with David Jackman
* Theology for the PeopleOctober 16, 2024x
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What is Expository Preaching and How Do We Do It Well? - with David Jackman

How is expository Bible teaching different than non-expository teaching?

David Jackman is the founder and director of the Cornhill Training Course, which teaches people how to teach the Bible expositorally. He has also served as a pastor and as president of Proclamation Trust, which exists to equip Bible teachers around the world.

In this episode, David explains the value of expository preaching, both in how it honors God’s Word, and in the ways it benefits those who hear it.

We discuss common pushbacks to expository preaching, such as that Jesus was not an expository preacher, and we get into the mechanics of effective Bible teaching, including how to include application, and more.

Check out David's recent book, Proclaiming the Word, as well as Expositors Collective.