Henrietta Mears, Part 2
Women Worth KnowingOctober 29, 202400:26:011.52 KB

Henrietta Mears, Part 2

Billy Graham referred to Henrietta as “One of the greatest Christians I’ve ever known... after my wife and mother the most influential woman in my life.”
Henrietta’s compelling and Bible-centered teaching at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood is sited as the reason why their Sunday School grew from 450 to more than 6,500. Miss Mears founded both Forest Home Christian Conference Center and Gospel Light Publications in the 1930’s. Both ministries have had far-reaching impact locally and internationally for nearly a century.

Henrietta’s influence changed the way many of us understand our faith and share it within our world today. It’s estimated that over 450 men and women were launched into various ministries around the world as a result of Henrietta’s teaching. One of the many couples impacted by her were Bill and Vonette Bright who founded Campus Crusade for Christ, which is now known as CRU. The international best-selling book, “What the Bible is All About” is a compilation of Henrietta’s teachings. It has sold millions of copies and continues to be a valued resource today.

Our in-studio guest, Tim McCalmont, shares personal stories of his connection to “Teacher,” as Henrietta was called. Their stories and those of many others have been compiled in a new documentary film titled, “Mears: How One Woman Changed American Christianity.” www.mearsmovie.com


Ambitious for God www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-92/ambitious-for-god.html

Mother of American Evangelicalism: The Life and Legacy of Henrietta Mears by Arlin C. Migliazzo
What the Bible is All About: Bible Handbook