Dr. Travis Kerns- Ministering Among Mormons
Basecamp: Into The DarkJuly 28, 2021
51:0146.78 MB

Dr. Travis Kerns- Ministering Among Mormons

Dr. Travis Kerns is Associate Professor of Apologetics and World Religions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His research and writing interests focus on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, world religions, and the application of apologetics. He formerly served as a missionary and pastor in Salt Lake City, ministering among and to Latter-Day Saints. In evangelicalism where it is difficult to find world religion experts, he stands out.

In this conversation, Jeremy and Dr. Kerns discuss LDS thinking and theology, tackle some of the most common questions about the Latter-Day Saints, and Dr. Kerns shares his wisdom on how to share the true Gospel with Mormons.

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