Pieter Valk- Celibacy, Equipping the Church, and the "Gay Teen Test"
Basecamp: Into The DarkAugust 17, 2021
59:4854.82 MB

Pieter Valk- Celibacy, Equipping the Church, and the "Gay Teen Test"

Pieter Valk is the founder and leader of Equip, which seeks to help churches become places where LGBT+ Christians could belong and thrive according to a traditional sexual ethic. Not only does he help pastors and parents navigate this difficult issue, but he also counsels young people who struggle with same-sex attraction and points them lovingly and gently to the life-changing message of the Gospel.

In this conversation, Pieter and Jeremy discuss how the Church can better minister to those struggling with same-sex attraction without sacrificing the truth of God's design for our lives. Pieter also illustrates what a dynamic life of celibacy, of which he is called to, looks like and how it impacts the kingdom in ways marriage does not.

Listen in and be challenged and ministered to by Pieter and his work to glorify God and to equip others to do the same!

Visit Equip: https://equipyourcommunity.org/

Contact ATAP: Jeremy@allthingsallpeople.org