Exodus Part 1- The Passover and Knowing God with T. Desmond Alexander
Biblical PlotlinesOctober 26, 2020x
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Exodus Part 1- The Passover and Knowing God with T. Desmond Alexander

The book of Exodus marks the beginning of the nation of Israel as they are delivered from slavery in Egypt and brought into covenant relationship with the Lord. In this first episode, of two parts, I discuss with Desmond Alexander the feature of knowing God as a framework that unites the book of Exodus. This idea can be seen from the opening narratives in Egypt through to the covenant at Sinai and concludes in the culmination of God presence coming to dwell in the midst of the people in the closing chapter. We then discuss the significance of the passover ritual and how the details of what is involved in the meal reveal God’s means of ransoming the firstborn from death, removing the defilement of sin and making the people holy in order to come into God’s presence. These aspects of the passover then form a pattern of atonement that culminates in Jesus who’s sacrificial death as the lamb of God redeems us from the power of death, cleanses from sin and makes us holy in order to be made 'at one’ with God. This picture of atonement broadens our perspective of the work of Christ and sheds new light on passages throughout New Testament relating to the full implications of the work of Christ on the cross.