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This is a podcast consisting of a message delivered by Pastor Gary Hamrick on June 4, 2023. He has graciously allowed us to replay it, in its entirety, and with the attached link to the sermon transcript.
From Pastor Gary: "...What we are now is a culture in chaos. We are a culture in chaos, rife with gender confusion and sexual perversion, and this so-called woke agenda. And it all needs a Biblical response. I want to begin by making it clear that this is not a sermon, in any way, of hatred or harm. We don't hate anyone, and we certainly don't want anyone to be harmed who might be different or who might believe differently from us as Christians. Despite the fact that our church islisted on a Facebook website where people have been taking shots—it's being investigated now by the attorney general and the sheriff's office because some have been wishing harm for those on that list—that's not us. We're not like that. And no one should interpret anything I say as inciting hatred or harm toward anyone."
This is not a hate sermon, but a truth-in-love sermon.
Here is a link to download the message in written format, which is a word-for-word transcription of Pastor Gary's message.
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