158- The Story of a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor (with Pastor Steve Marquez)
Strength for Today's PastorFebruary 13, 2024x
00:51:0135.1 MB

158- The Story of a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor (with Pastor Steve Marquez)

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It's nothing short of a miracle that Steve Marquez is still with us, here on planet earth. Listen to the story of his healing, and even more importantly, of the ministry to which God has called himPastors and leaders, this episode will provide great insights into how to minister to and care for cancer patients.Also, this episode will be super encouraging, illuminating many hearts towards kingdom ministry.Steve is the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and the founder of Stage 4 Ministries. https://www.stage4ministries.com/Please listen, and then help Pastor Steve spread the word about this vital and important ministry.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bill-holdridge/support

For Poimen Ministries, its staff, ministries, and focus, go to poimenministries.com. To contact Poimen Ministries, email us at strongerpastors@gmail.com. May the Lord revive His work in the midst of these years!