Missions, Ministry, and Resilient Fatherhood: Getting to Know Mike Neglia
The CGN PodcastAugust 16, 2023x
00:38:2143.91 MB

Missions, Ministry, and Resilient Fatherhood: Getting to Know Mike Neglia

This season, on Mission & Methods, we are getting to know members of the CGN Executive Team.

Mike Neglia is the pastor of Calvary Cork, in Cork, Ireland. Mike also leads the Expositors Collective training initiative, which equips people to study and proclaim God’s Word, and he is the host of the Expositors Collective podcast.

In this episode, Mike talks about how God led him to Ireland, where he came as a missionary 20 years ago, and he talks about being the father of a child with disabilities, and how that has shaped him as a person, and as a pastor.

We’d love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at CGN@calvarychapel.com
