A Mentor for Cross Culture Planting – Rod Thompson & Clay Worrell
* Cultivate Church PlantingJuly 17, 2023x
00:35:4932.81 MB

A Mentor for Cross Culture Planting – Rod Thompson & Clay Worrell

Church planting and missions go hand in hand. We are called to go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples. It’s interesting that in the early days of the church, they fulfilled this great commission by going out and planting churches. We start at our Jerusalem, but we must have a far-reaching vision to go to the ends of the earth and, you know, that’s exactly what today’s guest did.

Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Cultivate Church Planting podcast. I’m your host Brian Kelly and today I’m joined by expert missionary and church planter Rod Thompson.

Rod has pastored and church planted all over Europe in places like Hungary, former Yugoslavia, Serbia, Austria, and Italy. He is currently the founder and director of Cross Culture Missions, an organization established to encourage and equip pastors and leaders from every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. Rod is a Calvary Chapel OG and it was nice to spend some time with him on this episode.

I’m also joined once again by the man himself, the executive director of CGN, Clay Worrell. This is a great conversation so let’s get right into it.