Welcome to the Cultivate Church planting podcast. I’m your host Brian Kelly and today we will be talking about Church planting in Mexico. I’m joined today by Mike Vincent who is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Rosarito, a church that he planted over twenty years ago. Also joining us today is Bruce Zachary who is part of the Cultivate leadership team and pastor of Calvary Nexus in Camarillo California.
I’ve known Mike for over twenty years and I’m really excited to share this episode with you. Mike and I were sent out of the same Calvary Chapel ministry twenty one years ago as church planters and missionaries. He went to Mexico and I went to Uganda. Well, I’ve done quite a few different church plants and ministries since then, but Mike has stayed in Mexico and has developed an amazing church planting training course, as well as planted over thirty churches around the country. If you have a heart for planting churches in Mexico, or planting in another country, this is a great episode for you.
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