What should contemporary preachers and pastors learn from the influential early Christian leader Augustine, was a prominent theologian and philosopher, who played a significant role in shaping Western philosophy and Christianity through his influential writings. He is considered a major figure among the Church Fathers of the Latin Church during the Patristic Period. His notable works include "The City of God," "On Christian Doctrine," and "Confessions."
Shane Angland and Ian Clary join Mike to discuss the influence of Austine on their personal lives and ministries, and also how J.I. Packer used Augustine's commentary on John to help restore the struggling faith of one of Ian's mentors.
While Augustine is commonly recognized as a philosopher, theologian and preacher, Shane and Ian argue that it is also important to take note of his role as a pastor and carer of souls.
Shane Angland is currently a teaching elder at Ennis Evangelical Church, Ireland. He has served as a missionary in Ukraine and is a Th.M. graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary with an emphasis in historical theology.
Dr. Ian Clary is a native of Canada; most recently he lived in Toronto, Ontario, where he served as a minister at West Toronto Baptist Church. He taught at various institutions in Canada, including Redeemer University College and Heritage College and he continues to lecture at Munster Bible College in Cork, Ireland.
Ian's doctoral work looked at issues dealing with the Christian interpretation of history with a particular focus on early-modern British evangelicalism. His master's work looked at the reception history of patristics into the post-Reformation period with a focus on Christology.
Suggested Links:
God Crowns His Own Gifts: Augustine, Grace, and the Monks of Hadrumetum
Be sure to subscribe to the Into Theology podcast for Ian's journey through Augustine's Confessions:
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Shane Angland: The Problem and Promise of Preaching : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/7/7/the-problem-and-the-promise-of-preaching-shane-angland
Ian Clary : Learning from the Puritans : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/5/14/episode-107-learning-from-the-puritans
Bryan Chapell : Pulpit Flourish vs Pastoral Care : https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2022/9/13/pulpit-flourish-vs-pastoral-care-with-bryan-chappell