Dr. Ian Clary is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Colorado Christian University, he is a native of Canada and lived for the past half of his life in Toronto, Ontario, where he served as a minister in a Baptist church there. Dr. Clary's doctoral work looked at issues dealing with the Christian interpretation of history with a particular focus on early-modern British evangelicalism. His master's work looked at the reception history of patristics into the post-Reformation period with a focus on Christology. He is a fellow of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies; the Center for Baptist Renewal; the Center for Ancient Christian Studies; and is a board member with the Davenant Institute. Dr. Clary and his wife Vicky live in Lakewood with their four children, Jack, Molly, Kate, and Tom. Ian’s full bio and publications : https://www.ccu.edu/spotlights/faculty/iclary/
Munster Bible College: https://munsterbiblecollege.ie/ Greg Beale - Right Doctrine, Wrong Text : https://www.amazon.com/Right-Doctrine-Wrong-Texts-Testament-ebook/dp/B008KDFBGW
William Perkins - The Art of Prophesying : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KMDXRMI/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Simeon Trust: https://simeontrust.org/
Mark Dever - Promises Made, Promises Kept: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Message-Old-Testament-Mark-Dever/dp/1581347170 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Message-New-Testament-Mark-Dever/dp/1581347162/ref=pd_lpo_14_t_0/262-4680903-9398327?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1581347162&pd_rd_r=172984cf-a7c7-4878-b3aa-d4553c78d0ad&pd_rd_w=iCyOi&pd_rd_wg=QWG8d&pf_rd_p=7b8e3b03-1439-4489-abd4-4a138cf4eca6&pf_rd_r=WRZB4E4C2EYT87AD3TVH&psc=1&refRID=WRZB4E4C2EYT87AD3TVH