Preaching As An Art Form with Dave Lomas
- Expositors CollectiveDecember 13, 2022x
00:42:3739.03 MB

Preaching As An Art Form with Dave Lomas

Most times I don’t “finish” a sermon until 7am on Sunday when I have to close the computer and send my notes to the media team. The process for me is part investigation, part devotion, and part screen writing. I have recently begun to embrace the challenge of the writing process (20+ years in!) and also for the first time I’m beginning to own the fact that what I do is an art form. - Dave Lomas 

Dave speaks with Mike about his gradual understanding of sermon preparation as a creative art form, as well as the value of embracing obscurity in the age of livestreaming and celebrity pastors. 

 Resources Mentioned: 

Homiletical Plot -  The Sermon as Narrative Art Form - Eugene L. Lowry  : 

Dave's Instagram Post on Sermon writing as art: 

Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting - Robert McKee:

David, Saul and God - Paul Borgman : 

House of Prayer - Reality SF sermon series:

Recommended Episodes: 

Tim Chaddick - What have you been talking about? 

Jon Tyson - Theology that cannot be dismissed and power that cannot be denied

Adam Narciso - Prayer, Study and Spontaneity : 

Suzy Silk - Following the Spirit  :

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