Efficacious means the "ability to produce the intended result". When used to describe the Word of God it means that when God speaks it has transformative power, and it results in the transformation of the believer, both from death to life and in progressing in holiness.
Dr Jeremy Kimble believes in the efficacy of the Scriptures and has written a helpful book that both explains and argues for the efficacy of God's Word, and then gives VERY practical applications to the life of the Christian, the counsellor, the parent, the leader and the preacher. In this conversation, Jeremy speaks about an arresting sermon that he heard as a young man, and the transformative impact it had on him, and then goes on to answer questions about the necessity of preaching, the MIM and the MIT of sermon preparation and delivery and plenty of on-the-ground practical advice and encouragement.
"The amazing thing is that everyone who reads the Bible has the same joyful thing to say about it. In every land, in every language, it is the same tale: where that Book is read, not with the eyes only, but with the mind and heart, the life is changed. Sorrowful people are comforted, sinful people are transformed, peoples who were in the dark walk in the light. Is it not wonderful to think that this Book, which is such a mighty power if it gets a chance to work in an honest heart, is in our hands today?" - Amy Carmichael
Dr. Jeremy Kimble is Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. He is passionate about teaching college students and graduate students the truth of God’s Word. His hope is that through his courses, students will grow in their love for God and others, rightly understand the grand narrative of Scripture, and apply theological truths to everyday life. He is committed to teaching in the classroom, mentoring students in smaller settings, and speaking in churches, camps, and conference settings. He served in pastoral ministry for eight years prior to his time at Cedarville. Academic interests include biblical and systematic theology, ecclesiology, hermeneutics and homiletics, discipleship, and spiritual growth, and fun interests include family time, hiking, biking, and reading.
Resources Mentioned:
Behold and Become: Reading Scripture for Transformation - Jeremy Kimble: https://www.kregel.com/jeremy-m-kimble/behold-and-become/
He is Not Silent - Al Mohler: https://www.moodypublishers.com/he-is-not-silent/
Knowing God - J.I. Packer : https://www.crossway.org/books/knowing-god-hcj/
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