* Country Chapel-Lessons In Rural Ministry

* Country Chapel-Lessons In Rural Ministry

The Country Chapel podcast is a show dedicated to bringing lessons in rural ministry to the Calvary Global Network. Within this show I, Pastor Jack Coultas, interview pastors, church planters, ministry leaders, and various rural network directors. All who have answered the call to minister in small and often overlooked places. The aim is to gain wisdom, guidance, and vision, to help encourage and equip those already engaged in rural ministry, and to make the need for a focus on rural ministry obvious to all.

Bill Allison- Recruiting, Motivating and Retaining Volunteers

Bill Allison- Recruiting, Motivating and Retaining Volunteers

Bill is the Executive Director of Cadre Missionaries—whose mission is to make disciplemakers who make more disciplemakers. In todays episode I sit down with Bill and discuss what the scriptures teach us about recruiting, motivating and retaining volunteers More Resources Fro...

Joshua Lewis- The Spirit's Work In Planting Churches, Forming Liturgy and Equipping Saints

Joshua Lewis- The Spirit's Work In Planting Churches, Forming Liturgy and Equipping Saints

In this episode I discuss church planting, the importance of liturgy and practicing Spiritual Gifts with Joshua Lewis. The Pastor of Kings Fellowship in Ada, OK, and host of the Remnant Radio. If you would like to learn more about Josh and Remnant Radio follow the link bellow. ...

Jason Sanchez- Ministry in Rural Mexico: Vision, Preparation, and Relying on God

Jason Sanchez- Ministry in Rural Mexico: Vision, Preparation, and Relying on God

Jason Sanchez is the founder of the House of Blessing. A ministry to families in rural Mexico. Since moving to Mexico in 2012 Jason and his family have operated a children's home, ran a private Christian school, served as an elder at his Church and ministered to various co...

Dr. Jeff VanGoethem- Equipping Churches for Prayer and Revival

Dr. Jeff VanGoethem- Equipping Churches for Prayer and Revival

In this episode Dr. Jeff VanGoethem and I discuss the place of prayer in effecting revival in the local church.

Peter Wetendorf- Engaging, Equipping and Encouraging Pastors For the Long Haul

Peter Wetendorf- Engaging, Equipping and Encouraging Pastors For the Long Haul

In this podcast, I interview Peter Wetendorf the Executive Director of RMBM (Rocky Mountain Bible Mission). Peter has over 30 years of experience pastoring in the rocky mountains of Idaho and Montana. As a city boy, called to the country, he understands the challenges of adapt...

David Pinckney- A Networks Move To Dignify Rural Ministry

David Pinckney- A Networks Move To Dignify Rural Ministry

David Pinckney is the Global Rural Strategist for Acts 29. In this episode we talk about a shift in Acts 29. Where as it used to be a church planting network focused on urban areas, it now sees the need for a focus on planting and assisting churches in rural areas.

Dr. Ron Klassen- Maximize, Leveraging the Strengths of Your Small Church

Dr. Ron Klassen- Maximize, Leveraging the Strengths of Your Small Church

In this episode I interview Dr. Ron Klassen, former executive director of RHMA (Rural Home Missionary Association). We discuss what brought him into rural ministry and the lessons he learned that lead to the writing of his book "Maximize! Leveraging the Strengths of Your ...

Dr. Jeff Clark- The Power of Building Relationships In Your Community

Dr. Jeff Clark- The Power of Building Relationships In Your Community

In this episode I speak with Dr. Jeff Clark of the Rural Matters Institute, part of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. We discuss rural ministry and Dr. Clark emphasizes the need for building strong relationships in our community.