8 Things Ministry Leaders Need In Transition (featuring Matt & Marilee Davis)
Life After MinistryJune 10, 2024x
31:4436.32 MB

8 Things Ministry Leaders Need In Transition (featuring Matt & Marilee Davis)


In this episode, Matt and Marilee Davis discuss eight things that ministry leaders need in their transition out of ministry. These include consistent community support, affirmation of personal integrity and worth, financial guidance and support, spousal and family support, professional development and coaching opportunities, legal and administrative support, access to solid Christian therapy, and spiritual direction and guidance. They emphasize the importance of these resources in navigating the challenges and growth opportunities that come with transitioning out of ministry.


  • Consistent community support is crucial for ministry leaders transitioning out of ministry, as it can be disorienting and lonely.

  • Affirmation of personal integrity and worth is important, especially for men in ministry who often struggle with their identity tied to their job.

  • Financial guidance and support are necessary, as pastors often don't qualify for unemployment and may not have significant savings.

  • Spousal and family support and engagement are essential, as the transition affects the entire family and can lead to instability.

  • Professional development and coaching opportunities help ministry leaders transition into new industries and utilize their skills in different contexts.

  • Legal and administrative support is needed to navigate contractual and legal matters, especially when NDAs are involved.

  • Access to solid Christian therapy is beneficial for emotional and spiritual health during the transition.

  • Spiritual direction and guidance help ministry leaders discern God's leading and navigate the next season of life.


00:00 - Eight Things Ministry Leaders Need

08:30 - Financial Guidance and Support

13:14 - Spousal and Family Support

16:34 - Professional Development and Coaching

21:44 - Christian Therapy

25:04 - Spiritual Direction and Guidance