Trusting The Good Shepherd (featuring Jon Morrison)
Life After MinistryApril 20, 2024x
39:1644.94 MB

Trusting The Good Shepherd (featuring Jon Morrison)


Jon Morrison shares his journey from vocational ministry to entrepreneurship. He discusses his call to ministry, the catalyst that brought him out of ministry, and the challenges he faced during the scrambling season. Jon emphasizes the transferable skills that pastors possess and how they can be applied in the marketplace. He shares his own experiences in entrepreneurship and highlights the blessings and opportunities that come with life after ministry. Jon encourages pastors to have hope and embrace the new possibilities that await them.


  • There is life after vocational ministry, and it can be fulfilling and rewarding.
  • Pastors possess transferable skills that can be applied in the marketplace.
  • Adaptability, communication, leadership, and the ability to simplify complex ideas are valuable skills for pastors in the marketplace.
  • Life after ministry offers opportunities for personal growth, financial stability, and the ability to pursue other passions and interests.
  • Trusting in God's plan and providence is essential during the transition from ministry to a new career.


00:00 - Introduction and Recording Setup
00:29 - Background and Call to Ministry
03:06 - Catalyst for Leaving Ministry
06:09 - Lifelong Commitment to Ministry?
08:36 - Scrambling Season and Finding Work
09:18 - Discovering Entrepreneurship
12:52 - Life After Vocational Ministry
16:56 - Transferable Skills from Ministry
23:39 - God's Plan and Providence
32:54 - Is There Life After Ministry?