Hope, Healing, and Health After Ministry (featuring Alan Ramsey)
Life After MinistryMarch 27, 2024x
34:5439.94 MB

Hope, Healing, and Health After Ministry (featuring Alan Ramsey)


Alan Ramsey shares his journey of transitioning out of vocational ministry and into a new career. He discusses the challenges and emotions he faced during this transition, as well as the support he received from his church leadership. Alan highlights the transferable skills he gained from ministry and how they apply to his current role as a corporate chaplain. He emphasizes the importance of giving oneself time to grieve and process the end of a ministry season. Alan also shares his perspective on finding hope, healing, and health in life after ministry.


  • Transitioning out of vocational ministry can be a challenging and emotional process.

  • Transferable skills gained from ministry can be valuable in a new career.

  • Giving oneself time to grieve and process the end of a ministry season is important.

  • Finding hope, healing, and health in life after ministry is possible.


01:00 Background and Ministry Experience

04:24 Transitioning Out of Ministry

06:05 Recognizing the End of a Season

08:00 Navigating the Transition

10:51 Leaving Vocational Ministry

14:45 Day Zero and Starting a New Job

19:06 Ministry in a Different Context

23:08 Identity and Titles

25:12 Grieving and Processing the Transition

29:55 Hope, Healing, and Health

31:44 Embracing the Assignment

32:16 Conclusion